The raw data are received by the Chair of the Standards Setting Group 2 to 4 days after the EECC exam
The anonymous data are then sent to the statistician at the EECC’s academic partner for analysis
The Chair of the Standard Setting Group performs an initial data analysis to identify MCQs which may be performing poorly
The data on potentially poorly performing MCQs are reviewed by the Standard Setting Group via teleconference web meeting and leads discussion on the exclusion of items from the exam
The Chair of the Standard Setting Group instructs the statistician on any items to exclude prior to a rerun of the analysis and, in collaboration with the statistician prepares, the data and for final analysis and presentation
Confirmation of the Pass Mark
The analysis of performance is reviewed at the EECC Board meeting in July
The Chair of the Standard Setting Group presents the data and answers any questions
The final pass mark is decided by agreement of the EECC Board
Communication of Results
The Chair of the Standard Setting Group validates the final results and sends them to Education Team so the information may be disseminated to the National Societies
Each National Society shares the results with their respective candidates
Use of Results
Each National Society can choose to use the results of the EECC in the most appropriate way for their trainees
Annual Summary
An annual summary of each sitting of the EECC will be prepared and archived with ESC and UEMS-CS. These summary data will be kept for a minimum of 5 years