The UEMS Cardiology Section (CS) underwent important changes lately and we believe time has come to prepare the way forward. Our directions are to follow the overall UEMS policy and build an even more productive Cardiology Section in the most transparent and constructive way.
We hope to continue our progress by reaching our goals and this year.
Prof. Lampros Michalis
Executive Committee
Prof. Lampros Michalis (GR)
Prof. Alessandro Sionis (ES)
Vice-President (ETRs for competencies)
Prof. Susana Price (UK)
UEMS MJC on Intensive Care
Dr. Chris Plummer (UK)
Vice-President (Training)
Dr. Feras El-Hamid (DE)
Dr. Chris Plummer (UK)
Chair of the EEGC Board
Prof. Felix Tanner (CH)
Dr. Veli-Pekka Puurunen (FN)
Delegate EJD representative
Prof. Pekka Raatikainen (FN)
SACC Reviewers
Job Title | Last Name | First Name | Country |
Prof | Zlatko | Fras | Slovenia |
Dr | Plummer | Chris | United Kingdom |
Dr | Perrard | Gregory | France |
Dr | Pietila | Mikko | Finland |
Dr | Papafaklis | Michail | Greece |
Dr | Bechlioulis | Michail | Greece |
Dr | Floros | Christos | Greece |
Dr | Stefanidis | Alexandros | Greece |
Dr | Lakkas | Lampros | Greece |
Job Title | Last Name | First Name | Category | Country/Region |
Dr | BINDER | Thomas | Delegate | AUSTRIA |
Dr | FIELDER | Lukas | Delegate | AUSTRIA |
Dr | VROLIX | Mathias | Delegate | BELGIUM |
Dr | GEORGIOU | Georgios M. | Delegate | CYPRUS |
Dr | IOANNIDES | Marios | Delegate | CYPRUS |
Dr | GREVE LINDHOLM | Matias | Delegate | DENMARK |
Dr | OVREHUS | Kristian Altern | Delegate | DENMARK |
Dr | MÄRT | Elmet | Delegate | ESTONIA |
Prof | HARTIKAINEN | Juha | Delegate | FINLAND |
Prof | RAATIKAINEN | Pekka | Treasurer Section | FINLAND |
Dr | ASSYAG | Patrick | Delegate | FRANCE |
Dr | PERRARD | Grégory | Delegate | FRANCE |
Prof | SHABURISHVILI | Tamaz | Delegate | GEORGIA |
Dr | EL-HAMID | Feras | EJD Representative | GERMANY |
Prof | GRIEBENOW | Reinhard | Delegate | GERMANY |
Prof | HOFFMEISTER | Hans Martin | Delegate | GERMANY |
Prof | MICHALIS | Lampros | President Section | GREECE |
Dr | STEFANIDIS | Alexandros | Cardiology | GREECE |
Prof | SZATMARI | Andras | Delegate | HUNGARY |
Dr | KEARNEY | Peter | Delegate | IRELAND |
Dr | SUGRUE | Declan | Delegate | IRELAND |
Prof | CAMICI | Paolo | Delegate | ITALY |
Dr | MINTALE | Iveta | Delegate | LATVIA |
Dr | CAPONIENE | Indre | Delegate | LITHUANIA |
Dr | BEISSEL | Jean | Delegate | LUXEMBURG |
Dr | ALAMI | Mohamed | Delegate | MOROCCO |
Dr | BENNIS | Ahmed | Delegate | MOROCCO |
Dr | DALEN | Havard | Delegate | NORWAY |
Dr | STAMSTAD | Stein | Delegate | NORWAY |
Dr | PEREIRA MACEDO | Luís Filipe Vilela | Delegate | PORTUGAL |
Dr | VIDIGAL FERREIRA | Maria João | Delegate | PORTUGAL |
Dr | COMAN | Ioan | Delegate | ROMANIA |
Dr | MITU | Florin | Delegate | ROMANIA |
Prof | GONSORČÍK | Jozef | Delegate | SLOVAKIA |
Prof | ZUPAN | Igor | Delegate | SLOVENIA |
Dr | ALONSO PULPON | Luis | Delegate | SPAIN |
Dr | RODRIGUEZ PADIAL | Luis | Delegate | SPAIN |
Dr | TANNER | Felix | Secretary | SWITZERLAND |
Dr | VAN DER BILT | I.A.C (Ivo) | Delegate | THE NETHERLANDS |
Dr | PLUMMER | Chris | Delegate | UNITED KINGDOM |
Dr | LAWSON | Clive | Delegate | UNITED KINGDOM |
Dr | BAZYLEVYCH | Andrii | Delegate | UKRAINE |
Dr | YAGENSKY | Andriy | Delegate | UKRAINE |
Member Countries
EU and EFTA Countries

Non EU and EFTA Countries

Mission Statement
- To supply the EU and also the Non-EU representatives with information related to cardiovascular disorders and general public health coming from the different EU organisations, and beyond from other non-EU organisations
- To transfer the opinions of the UEMS-Cardiology Section to the EU bodies via the UEMS or the Committee Permanent or directly with the aim to influence their decision making processes
- To answer questions from the delegates, if possible, or to organize answers on specific questions related to CV-diseases, CME, training in Cardiology, general public health topics etc
- To harmonize differing structures between several countries to achieve a European level
- To stimulate all improvements related to diagnosis, therapy, medical training, continuous professional development, Evidence Based Medicine and also Public Health care predominantly in CV diseases in adult and paediatric patients
How we work
The European Union consists of the EU-Council, representing the National governments, the EU-Parliamentand the EU Commission are as GO (governmental organisations) differentiated from many, many NGOs lobbying for their groups. European MDs in general are presented by the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), whereas the UEMO stands for the GPs and Family Physicians and the UEMS (Union of the European Specialists) for the Medical Specialists.
Due to many medical Mono-Specialities UEMS as the legal entity, located in Brussels, their “daughters” are representing each Medical Specialities, called Sections and Boards.
In Cardiovascular Diseases the UEMS-Cardiology Section is responsible to link the European Cardiologists to the EU-bodies via the UEMS, with the main tasks related to CME, CPD and Professionalism, in contrast to the European Society of Cardiology, which is primarily scientific European Society with main interests in Science and Health Policy.
In 2017 the UEMS-EACCME has set up a Specialist Accreditation Committee in Cardiology (SACC) in collaboration with the UEMS Section of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). The goal of SACC is the evaluation and accreditation of live educational events and e-learning materials. This Committee is made up of reviewers coming from both the UEMS Section and the ESC.
Each Section and Board is self-responsible for its budget. This will be needed predominantly to transfer informations to the delegates and to the referring organisations and to run the whole organisation. A financial support via the UEMS was never possible. So the Plenary Assembly of the UEMS-CS decided in Barcelona 1999 to collect an annual fee from each country, which is related to the number of cardiologist of the National Cardiac Society in an amount of 3€/Cardiologists for EU-Countries and 1€/Cardiologist and year for Non-EU-Countries and other associated organisations.
The payment of the annual fee gives the right to vote for elections, vice versa non-payment leads to the loose of this voting-right (see ROPs). In the last year UEMS decided to set up subaccounts of the UEMS account in BRX for fiscal reasons. It is obvious that the financial duties will be handled furthermore by the Sections and Boards but under the surveillance of the UEMS as parent organisation and official legitimate body.