
  • Appointed by UEMS cardiology section president as vice-president for training, and by ESC Education Committee Chair as Certification, Exams and EECC Coordinator
  • Under exceptional circumstances, if a single individual cannot fulfil both roles, two appointments may be made with shared responsibilities
  • Appointment as chair-elect is made when the post becomes vacant
  • Appointment as EECC board chair is normally for two years and may be renewable once
  • The chair assumes the role of past-chair when they are replaced by the chair-elect


  • Current or previous membership of the EECC leadership team
  • Active membership of the EECC question writing group
  • Active participation in UEMS cardiology section activities
  • Detailed understanding of all aspects of the EECC
  • Excellent leadership, verbal, and written communication skills
  • Dedicated time to attend EECC in-person and on-line meetings and to respond in a timely fashion to contacts from other members of the EECC team and external enquiries


  • Chairs two EECC board meetings per year (January and July, to review exam performance and agree the pass mark)
  • Chairs quarterly EECC leadership team meetings
  • Develops and implements the strategic vision for the EECC
  • Chairs meetings at ESC congress and on-line with representatives of national societies participating, or considering participation, in the EECC
  • Represents the EECC on the ESC Education Committee
  • Provides written and/or verbal reports on the EECC to ESC committees and Board, and to UEMS cardiology section, as requested
  • Oversees the appointment of the chairs-elect of the question writing group,question selection group and standards setting group
  • Oversees the appointment of members of the question writing group, question selection group and standards setting group as recommended by the group Chairs
  • Responsible for the overall performance of all EECC groups
  • Development and implementation of EECC policies and standard operating procedures to be ratified by the EECC board
  • If the chair is temporarily unable to perform their duties, they will nominate one of the group chairs to act on their behalf


  • Chair and chair-elect of the EECC board
  • Chair of EECC Question Writing Group
  • Chair of EECC Question Selection Group
  • Chair of EECC Standards Setting Group
  • Representative of ESC Education Committee
  • Representative of each National Society taking part in the EECC


  • The board will meet routinely twice each year in January and July
  • The chair may call additional meetings of the full board or a sub-group as required
  • If any member is unable to attend a board meeting, they should appoint a deputy to attend in their place. For the leadership team, this would normally be the chairelect or past-chair